Unlocking New Revenue Streams with NFTs


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NFTs are a hot topic very few people really understand. For many of us, our first time hearing of NFTs was in 2021 when they suddenly seemed to be a digital gold mine. However, for the patient community that diligently crafts the famed images, NFTs represent an opportunity for profound and fundamental transformation.

Kristel Bechara joins us on Couchonmics to share her view as the rising star of the Middle Eastern art world. Just a few short years ago, Kristel was a budding artist selling her physical works through digital channels. One day, a friend approached her and introduced her to the concept of NFTs. After doing some initial research, Kristel quickly decided to invest her own talents into the NFT space, and she hasn’t looked back since.

In our conversation, Kristel takes us through:

- Key criteria for evaluating long-term NFT value

- The benefit of 1-of-1s compared to collections

- How NFTs can transform ownership, protect artist rights and open up new revenue streams.


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